I failed to get better pictures of this. But it was pretty damn delicious. Basically it's marinated roasted red peppers, goat cheese, basil, red onion. On tasty bread. For the peppers, I'm not sure what went wrong. I've roasted peppers before. I don't remember doing it a whole lot different then what she did (in the oven) but for whatever reason... I had a hell of a time getting the skin off the peppers. But once it was done it was done, and it was marinating. Then Boi couldn't find any fresh basil *sigh* so I tried it too ways, one with some fresh parsley and dried basil, and then the next day my mom brought over some basil paste she found in the store. I enjoyed it both ways, though I'm sure it would have been best with basil leaves (I love basil leaves). She also called for ciabatta bread, and it's something I always wanted to try making, but lack of time and lack of finding some in the store, we used a loaf of artisan bread instead. Thick bread seemed important, because of the ooey gooey nature of the peppers.
All in all it was quite tasty. If I find myself with goat cheese again for something else, I'd likely recreate it. The peppers were delish as well. I give it 4 nom nom noms out of 5, down one because of the price of goat cheese. Oh and next time, unless I have a great pepper crop, I'm going to give marinating jarred roasted red peppers a try instead.